End of Availability of Archaic Data Format PCC (ASCII Text with Embedded GPO Photocomposition Codes)
As the Office of the Law Revision Counsel moves product production into an XML based system, the Code will no longer be published in PCC format. The archaic format, which is ASCII text with GPO photocomposition codes embedded within that text, will no longer be produced and so will not be provided.
Some pages of this site will change to reflect the change in data formats available. The changing pages are:
The visible change to the downloads page will be the removal of the column for the "PCC" download.
There will also be a non-visible change related to the transition to USLMv2 such that downloading via the XML link on the page will retrieve USLMv2 and not USLMv1.See the USLM 2.x page for more information on this change. An image mockup of how the Downloads page will look is below.
Annual Historical Archives
The changes to the Annual Historical Archives page will consist of adding a link to download USLMv2 annual historical archives and the addition of availability ranges (in years) for each type of data. Old data will NOT be removed from this page nor from the site, but no new PCC ("GPO locator files") data will be provided once the transition has taken place. An image mockup of how the Annual Historical Archives page will look is below.
Downloads Page Changes

Annual Historical Archives Page Changes

Questions about the changes can be directed to the office using the contact information provided here.