In 2014, chapters 3 and 4 of title 2, United States Code, were reorganized into eleven new chapters in order to set forth more clearly the provisions relating to officers and employees of the Senate and the House of Representatives. No statutory text was altered by this reorganization. The provisions were merely transferred from one place to another in title 2, United States Code. For the online version of the United States Code, the reorganization occurred on February 1, 2014, after which the new Code citations were effective. For the printed version of the United States Code, the reorganization occurred effective with supplement I of the 2012 edition.
The Office of the Law Revision Counsel is responsible for maintaining and publishing the United States Code. An integral part of producing the Code is determining where new laws should be placed. This is a challenging task because new law must be placed not only to fit logically within existing Code categories, but also to allow room for future development. Over time, some areas of law outgrow their original boundaries due to the enactment of new laws and amendments. As a result, the Code becomes less organized, harder to navigate, and less reflective of the underlying structure of the statutes.
Chapter 4 of title 2, United States Code, was an area of law that developed far beyond its original boundaries. Chapter 4 included over 250 sections jammed into the small run of Code sections between sections 60 and 131. As a result, chapter 4 became cluttered and its structure was confusing.
* Chapter 41, Congressional Officers and Administration (2 U.S.C. 4101 et seq.).
* Chapter 43, Congressional Committees (2 U.S.C. 4301 et seq.).
* Chapter 45, Congressional Pay and Benefits (2 U.S.C. 4501 et seq.).
* Chapter 47, Congressional Ethics (2 U.S.C. 4701 et seq.).
* Chapter 49, Congressional Pages (2 U.S.C. 4901 et seq.).
* Chapter 51, House of Representatives Leadership (2 U.S.C. 5101 et seq.).
* Chapter 53, House of Representatives Members (2 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.).
* Chapter 55, House of Representatives Officers and Administration (2 U.S.C. 5501 et seq.).
* Chapter 61, Senate Leadership (2 U.S.C. 6101 et seq.).
* Chapter 63, Senate Members (2 U.S.C. 6301 et seq.).
* Chapter 65, Senate Officers and Administration (2 U.S.C. 6501 et seq.).
(1) Comprehensive Chart - old/new Code citations for all transferred provisions (PDF).
(2) Comprehensive Chart - old/new Code citations for all transferred provisions (HTML).
Questions and comments may be directed to:
Office of the Law Revision Counsel
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515
Email: [email protected]