Table III Tool [Current through 118-78 (July 30, 2024)]

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. For data processing XML files are available in bulk and broken into acts. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

67th Cong.  ↑  42 Stat.  ↑  June 10, 1922  ↑  1922:210 1922:212(pdf) 1922:215
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
625-633 14 121 Rev. T.
625-633 33 859 Rep.
1 625 10 1133 nt Rev. T.
1 625 34 641 nt Rev. T.
1-7 625-628 37 1-10 Rev. T.
8 629 34 864, 866 Rev. T.
8 629 37 12 Rev. T.
9 629 10 633 Rev. T.
9 629 37 13 Rev. T.
10 630 37 14, 15, 16 Rev. T.
10 37 17, 18 Rev. T.
11 630 37 19 Rev. T.
12 631 37 20, 21 Rev. T.
12 37 20a Rev. T.
13-16 631, 632 37 22-25 Rev. T.
17 632 10 332, 386 nt, 973a, 1012 Rev. T.
17 632 14 163, 166 Rev. T.
17 632 34 423, 423 nt, 423a Rev. T.
17, 18 632 37 26, 27 Rev. T.
19 632 10 1146 Rev. T.
19 632 37 28 Rev. T.
20 632 10 292 Rev. T.
20 632 37 29 Rev. T.
21 633 10 692 nt, 912 Rev. T.
21 633 34 351, 351 nt, 357 nt, 865, 865 nt, 867, 867 nt, 911, 911 nt Rev. T.
21, 22 633 37 30, 31 Rev. T.