Table III Tool [Current through 118-78 (July 30, 2024)]

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. For data processing XML files are available in bulk and broken into acts. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

84th Cong.  ↑  69 Stat.  ↑  Aug. 11, 1955  ↑  1955:782 1955:783(pdf) 1955:785
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
1 635 12 1701 nt
101 635 12 1703
102(a) 635 12 1710
102(b) 635 12 1713
102(c) 635 12 1713
102(c) 635 12 1715e
102(c) 635 12 1715k
102(c) 635 12 1715l
102(d), (e) 635 12 1715e
102(f) 636 12 1715h Rep.
102(g) 636 12 1715k
102(h) 636 12 1715e nt
102(i) 636 12 1715r
102(j) 636 12 1715l
102(k) 636 12 1715n
103 636 12 1720 Rep.
104 637 12 1739
105 637 42 1591c
106 637 42 1453, 1456, 1460 Elim.
107(1), (2) 637 48 480 nt Elim.
107(3) 637 48 480, 480a, 721, 721a Elim.
107(3) 637 48 910
107(3) 637 48 910a
107(4) 638 48 1408 nt
107(5) 638 48 1408
107(5) 638 48 1408b
107(6), (7) 638 48 1408c
107(7) 638 48 480, 721 Elim.
107(7) 638 48 910
107(8) 638 48 1408c
107(9) 638 48 480, 721, 910 Elim.
107(9) 638 48 910
107(9) 638 48 1408
107(9) 638 48 1408c
108(a) 638 42 1451 Elim.
108(b) 638 42 1410 Elim.
108(d) 638 42 1585
109(a)(1) 640 12 1426
109(a)(2) 640 12 1427
109(a)(3) 640 12 1425a, 1437, 1729, 1730 Rep.
109(b) 640 12 1729 Rep.
110 641 12 1464
111 641 12 1726 Rep.
112 641 40 462 Rev. T.
113 642 12 1701d-2 Rep.
201-205 642-644 42 1491-1495 Elim.
206, 207 42 1496, 1497 Elim.
301 644 12 1749 Rep.
302, 303 645 12 1749c Rep.
304 646 12 1701 nt
401 646 12 1748
401 646 12 1748a Rep.
401 647 12 1748b
401 650 12 1748c Rep.
401 651 12 1748d
401 651 12 1748e
401 651 12 1748f
401 651 12 1748g
402 651 12 1720 Rep.
403 651 42 1594
404 652 42 1594a
405 652 42 1594b
406 653 42 1594c
407 653 42 1594d
408 653 12 1748 nt
409 654 42 1594e
410 42 1594f
501(1) 654 42 1481
501(2) 654 42 1482 Rep.
501(3) 654 42 1483